The Magic Hours

The wild cyclist exists outside of the normal temporal zone of mere mortals. This is because the wild (cyclist) inhabits life and thus renders it alive. Modern man no longer inhabits life because he has abandoned the wild. And so he becomes mortal, a mortal who is, furthermore, more concerned with time and death than with growth and life. Man thus inhabits a temporal zone that conforms to his newly skewed perspective on life. He believes life to end and thus times his living. The wild cyclist never times life because the wild (or life) can never be never temporal. Eternity is not temporary. Nor is Life. It is like this that the wild cyclist lives by not conforming to a temporal realm that ushers in an industrial system of being that removes the animal from itself. The wild cyclist, rather, inhabits the 'magic hours' and those hours of 'magic', magic from Old Norse magn, power or might, ultimately from the proto-Indo-European root magh- 'to be able, to have power'. This is what happens when you start sourcing your own. Whether that own is your own locomotive powers, your own locating and foraging powers, or your own receiving-perceiving powers, it doesn't really matter. What matters is the original sourcing where one originates life itself by engaging it as Nature intended, not through the machine and the destruction of the wild but through the heart and mind and an embracing of the wild. This aboriginal sourcing and originating leads one back into the cosmos ab origine. One perceives and receives magic everywhere because one now inhabits life and not death. One becomes powerful in one's reception-perception. One no longer inhabits time like man does. One inhabits, rather, the magic hours. And the sorceror within re-awakens. 

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