The Power of Shout

To shout is to shoot and throw out the voice. It is also, if you've ever listened to politicians bickering, to shit. But the wild cyclist doesn't shit like politicians. The wild cyclist shouts as in banging those ear drums that need to be banged. The shout resonates. The shout is actually the lion roaring. It is a spontaneous and natural reaction to being threatened. To the great sedated however the shout is against the tranquilizing protocols that they run on. The shout upsets their dominating and rapacious worldview. And car-drivers never like to be reminded that their shitting all over the Earth, and that they, along with their rapacious pollutive behaviour, are part of the problem. For a cyclist to shout at a car driver (when said car driver attempts a manoeuvre that de-serves the shout) or a dog-walker for using a five metre leash that screams 'I don't care about anyone other than myself' is a conscientious act. It re-minds people that their behaviour is not acceptable and that they'll get 'shot' when it occurs in my vicinity. It reminds people also that there are others out here that do not subscribe to the rapacious and prammed (eco-existentially deported) worldview. To shout, then, is to shame those needing to be shamed. And let's face it, car drivers and dog-walkers, as those who like to pollute, disembody, and dominate, as those who do not even know what they're doing anymore, need the shaming.

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