Universal L.A.W.S. & Attending to your Roots

Like trees, animals have huge root systems. People have them too, although under 300 years of industrialism, these root systems have deteriorated significantly. Not so with the animals and the trees who have, despite man's efforts, still maintained an intimate relationship with their Mother. This is because root systems depend on motion to evolve. And plants and animals have never relented to becoming passengers in their own bodies by subscribing to a technology (of transportation/eco-deportation) that weakens and eventually destroys the body (and its environment) entirely. Without motion, or if that motion is hampered in some way (by comfort, ease, and convenience), the root system is damaged and cannot grow as it should. More than this, root systems depend on universal L.A.W.S. This means light, air, water, space. And if these elements are contaminated in any way, again, the root system suffers and cannot grow. This is why mankind is in such trouble, because his root system has been severely damaged by 300 years of brain-washing, body-washing, spirit-washing via science (a reduction of natural con-science), progress (a deformation of universal circumgress), and capitalism (a counting of heads: a perversion of people into cattle). His (natural) motion, (natural) space, natural light, air and water, have all been industrialised and thus contaminated. He needs to get back out into the hills, into space, into the light. He needs to start moving as Nature intended (and not as some corpulent heart and brain-diseased capitalist intended). He needs to eschew comfort, ease, and convenience, or if he does accept them, to make sure they are borne on the back of hard (natural)work and hard-ship. When this happens, his root system will begin to recover and grow back. Soon, man's roots will resemble those of a plant's if not a tree's. He will hear the Earth once more speaking through his feet, and when he does he will realise the error of his ways in the flesh. Place will become dear to him again because his roots will penetrate deep into it as he moves across it bodily. And when the land and place are embodied, the body expands and grows. A growth that eventually gives birth to greatness. Which then encompasses the whole Earth.

Animals and plants are still largely 'in the Earth'. Man, with his hubris and his hi-fi thinking, is now 'on the Earth' as in occupying it (parasitically) and not inhabiting it (symbiotically).

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