Let Your Legs Breathe!

I once wrote a poem that included the line 'the eyes breathe'. And they do, believe it or not. In fact, the whole body breathes, but you'll only notice this when you start disrobing and taking off the 'proofs' and fancy clothes that prevent you from feeling. Once you get out into the land nakedly you begin to notice strange things about the body. The eyes breathe, the face breathes, the legs breathe. Yet, today, this balmy mid-November morning, I see too many cyclists with long trousers on. I made this mistake myself the other day but realised my error at the train station whereupon I took my trousers off (I had shorts on underneath!). You really feel the difference. It's as if you suddenly have more power inside you because of your nakedness and thus your 'elemental and earthy conviviality'. Trousers are handcuffs for your legs as well as anaesthetizers. Unless it falls below five degrees you should never ever wear them, because legs, like the face, need to breathe.

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