Balance: The Bicycle Vs. the Tricycle

When Confucius was asked on his death bed what word if any he would choose to sum up life he said, 'Reciprocity'. He might as well have said 'Balance'.

It is remarkable these days, how unbalanced man has become, how out of kilter he has allowed his self to become with regards to the Earth that feeds, clothes and shelters him. His work seems to consist simply of toil that does not nourish his self, indeed, which acts as a barrier to knowing his self, so that he can make money and 'do things' that merely exacerbate this barricade, distracted as he is by the seductive pleasures that society has devised to keep him slogging away.

The modern world of man is a world of lunacy, a world of concealed directives and subroutines that positively encourage man to unattach his self from Nature and from the Earth. Capitalism then provides the stabilizers at significant cost not just to the person as a financial construct but to the person as a sacred and healthy being in touch with all that breathes. It is a remarkable situation no doubt, one which man apparently cannot see beyond, but one which is not beyond cure.

Balance is the first dynamic you encounter when you learn to ride a bicycle. Reciprocity too. On a bicycle, moving under your own steam, you quickly learn that the cold can be warming, that the prevailing winds both push and pull, that going uphill invariably means there's a downhill somewhere along the way. One learns not so much of pro-cesses as of circum-cesses. This is because we are energising our selves, engaging our own engines, and not allowing anyone to surreptitiously tack one onto us. It is primarily because we have allowed our own internal engines to be compromised that we have lost touch with this circumcessional interpenetration, and our balance. That we have become unstable and volatile. We are, like all these crappy TV shows tell us, like the walking dead, except we do not walk, we are carried.

For those of us who allow our self to be carried (remember that car is short for 'carraige'), and who cannot balance by themselves, for those infants who are too afraid to even try, we require stabilizers. Stabilizers that usurp our own vital synergies. This usurpation causes a bicycle to become a tricycle, and a human to become a man.

Nowadays, a person out walking on their own is a sight to behold. No dog, no pram, no iphone.... A remarkable sight indeed. A man who can balance without the existential stabilizers. However, this is the exception. Just take a look around you, at all those tricycles, all those Sisyphean forms being pulled by dogs and pushing prams because they do not know how to propogate and procreate outside society's hard-boiled super-impositions. Man has become a standalone entity, or at least has become deluded into thinking he is. But of course he isn't. Where man considers his self to be separate from the rest of his species and acts accordingly, the human considers his self not just to represent his own species but to represent all species. This is when the 'special' arises, when this great breakthrough is made. Only then will man revert to human and to a being that is both indigenous and universal, stable and 'in tune'.

Then, attuned to the greater nexus that envelops you, and with all the stabilizers removed, it is simply a matter of cycling....

Beware of any technology that is not your own... External technology disables, internal technology enables.

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