
I used  to consider myself as some kind of Glasgow Apache but now I am more likely to side with the Comanche. Why? Well, for  one they were equestrian nomads of the great plains which kind of appeals to the wild cyclist within. They were one of the first tribes to acquire horses from the Spanish and breed them to any extent. Their name, Comanche, deriving from their language Ute (itself deriving from the northern branch of the Uto-Aztecan languages) also appeals to my wild animal within. Why, you may well ask. Because it means 'enemy with everyone' or 'someone who wants to fight all the time'. This was the name applied to them by outsiders who only saw this side to them. Their own name was Nermernuh which meant, simply, 'the people'. Their Comanche appellation as 'the permanent berserker' may seem rather bellicose and unfair in comparison, but if your land and people were being raped by invaders you'd be rather bellicose too. The Comanche also fought with other indigenous tribes for the best lands well before any Spaniards arrived, like the Apache who they drove south from the Wymoming Shoshone into the barren deserts of Arizona and New Mexico. So this is me: Comanche-Romanche on a bicycle, enemy of everyone friend of no-one, someone who is not afraid to stand up to the invaders, the invaders being those who have allowed technologies (like the car, the smartphone, the aberrant economy) to overtake (and violate) their own bodyminds (not to mention this fine land now paved with roads, heavy industry, and pollution). And like the Comanche, especially now given their tiny numbers, I feel alone and outnumbered in my crusade for land and freedom.


It's either a chib or a 'dance wand' in his hand. Either way...

I actually have a tomahawk believe it or not, a very sharp one. Not sure if it would be a good idea to carry it with me, although it would show car drivers that I mean business ;)


May the universe bless the aborigines of the Earth and all who Listen to Nature...



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