Announcing Your Presence: The Dumb Stalker Cyclist

I think I did it once when I was about twelve and then never did it again having realised just how dense I was being. I am of course talking about the DSC and this dumb voiceless automaton who refuses to use his voice (he doesn't have a bell) to let those in front know he's coming through. It happened this morning and I couldn't believe just how docile this cyclist was being by not announcing his presence. He hung behind this headphoned teenager for a good ten seconds before I came up behind both of them and hollared 'Coming through....' And I wondered just how long he would have waited there. I mean, this vitiates the whole act of cycling does it not, not having your wits about you and behaving like a car driver. The whole point of cycling is, if I could be so bold, to 'announce your presence' and show the world how to move without shitting all over it. It is to use your whole body - cycling is bodying - which includes the voice. For me, even though I have a bell which I use, the voice is supreme and can never be outdone by a bell or other. It is also 'wild' this voice and so it sometimes irritates those in receipt of it (which pleases me also). For the mechanically-minded and over-domesticated mongst us, they much prefer the tinkle of a bell than the happy howl of an ecstatic cyclist. Yet, the point still remains: announce your presence. In the wild, if you crept up on someone like that you would likely be set upon. Indeed, when I am in the hills, people seem to be aware of this, but down here in the city anything goes. Anything, that is, if I'm not behind you.

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