The Ambient Array: Around the Strath in a Dozen (or so) Perches

I guess for the past 15 years or so (give or take a few years living in Warsaw and another couple in Saudi Arabia and Kazakhstan), I have been circumnavigating the strath mostly by bicycle and train. It's a wonderful thing to do, cycling and training, emphatically outdoors in wide-open spaces devoid of people but full of Nature. People have lost their way, that much is sure, they ignore Nature and fill their selves full of nonsense. These escapades of mine are an attempt to reconnect with the Way, pare 'identity' down to its bare essentials, and rediscover my name as no-name (and the omni-nymous). This is the trick at the end of the day: to absolve yourself of itself; to clear away this destructive human concoction that now sees our planet on the brink of extinction due to our ignoring Nature and our paving over own body's organic technology (replacing and displacing it with another synthetic one which destroys the earth and our own evolutive capacity).

The perch is the perfect place from which to consider these things. Perfect for it allows you your own locomotive force in order to get there (there are no train stations at the tops of hills, even fewer roads going up the best of them), and to a certain extent (if you like to leave the beaten path like I do) your own locating powers. This locability is essential to any animated creature, and it is this as opposed to our current eco-dislocation, that renders the percher whole again and, dare I say it, wise. 

Wise because the percher does not abstract his animal self. He works as in locomoting, foraging, uncovering. He re-fuses his self with the cosmos and as such refuses to kowtow to 'man' and his unnatural demands. This refusing leads to the annihilation of his hitherto eco-existential confusion (that has been taught by a dualistic and fragmented way of perceiving the world) and thus leads to oneness as an alignment with Nature and ultimately your own greater Self.

The following dozen perches are the twelve apostles. They circumnavigate the strath at around 2-300m with each offering not just a different perspective of the valley, but together offering the panoptic and the whole. These perches (or 'sit spots' in the indigenous tongues) are the disciples that discipline, that re-move the sedentarized and car-borne human into a more natural matrix of being.  They gaze over the strath like guardians and allies, and if we go to them, and listen carefully, and keep that mind open, we might learn what they have to say...




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