Encycling the Self: The Sorceror's Way

It's true that cycling doesn't just mean pedalling, but as the Greek kyklos suggests, it also means a circle, a wheel, or any circular body, circular motion, or cycle of events. This cycling of events (is 'event' even countable?) is perhaps of equal interest here to the pedalling. After all, the whole point of the pedalling or any locomotion, really, is to 'encycle' oneself, and to become solidarily at one with your natural environment, et plus ultra.

In other words, if your locomotive powers do not scrape off the varnish to reveal a universal underside, then perhaps it is an indulgence as Castaneda might put it.

The human, as with all animals and entities is not ego, nor is he cargo. He is simply 'go' itself, verbally. Life goes - in the beginning was the verb - it cannot but do anything else.

In the spirit of frugality and ultimate directness...

Fresh water mint aside the Loch Humphrey path...

 Looking down onto 'the second gate of dreaming' from the limerock...

    Henry Bell monument in the riverry distance...

Don Juan explained that sorcerors have a scrounging method. They intelligently redeploy their energy by cutting down anything they consider superfluous in their lives. They call this method the sorcerors' way. In essence, the sorcerors' way, as don Juan put it, is a chain of behavioural choices for dealing with the world, choices much more intelligent than those our progenitors taught us. These sorcerors' choices are designed to revamp our lives by altering our basic reactions about being alive.

[The Art of Dreaming, Carlos Castaneda]

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