Solar Halo

I had just written a short piece from this very platform a couple of weeks ago on the 'Halo' that suddenly appeared above my head (the shadow of the bicycle wheel), and now we have this, a solar halo, a pretty rare celestial phenomenon which is formed by hexagonal ice crystals refracting light in the sky — 22 degrees from the sun. It was quite amazing actually, seeing as it is the first time I have ever seen one this clearly. Everyone else missed it staring as they were into their hands - this is what happens when you decant your being into a smartphone and allow it to dominate your awareness and life. I however never miss anything since I do not possess a smartphone or a smart anything for that matter. My being is not part of the machinery of progress that weakens and destroys the animal and the animate, but part of the universe. And so that is what I see.

The Crosshairs of Being Alive.... from Paisley Canal

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