Hound Dog

Hound dog would be a fine name for my bike but perhaps too light. And besides, it's already taken, by Elvis no less. And so, I have decided upon Hound of Hell (when it's not Pegasus or Red Crow or Sancho, my bike has multiple personality disorder) since that's what it does with my hands on the reins: she hounds those who bring hell to this Earth. This means predominantly the polluters, the defilers, the violators, the unresponsive, and the un-presenced. I had to shout at someone the other day for gazing into their phone whilst cycling (almost straight into me). Today, I hounded a few car drivers for similar nonsenses, using my limited knowledge of sign language. And the dog-walkers (whose dogs are not hounds) normally get some hounding too if their leashes stray across my path. And so 'Hound of Hell' it is. Elvis lives! Elvis cycles!

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