Cars Parked on Pavements

Scotland is a special country full of special people. Sometimes this speciality is unavoidable as in when these special people park their special little cars on pavements. As a wild cyclist I often use certain pavements as some roads are just too hairy. I always announce my presence to walkers and pedestrians by voice and/or bell if need be and never have any problems. Except that is when I encounter a car or a van as I did the other day on a pavement right outside my home. Workers (overweight and unhealthy) have a habit of parking on  the wide pavements to save them having to carry tools too far. This means that the access ramp for mobility scooters, wheelchairs, the elderly, and the hard of seeing, is blocked. The group Living Streets has tirelessly campaigned for over ten years to stop this disrespectful behaviour from happening. And they succeeded, God bless them. But it won't stop the law from being implemented until 2023. Which kind of makes you think, who do our cities actually belong to: to its citizens and the people living and working on the frontline, or to the politicians living in their big houses surrounded by their big gates and fences, on their big hills, in the rareified airs? 

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