Give Way

This morning, au velo, a road sign taking a break (the pole it was on had been knocked horizontal by a car). It read 'Give Way 50yds' and I thought, chance would be a fine thing. Naturally, I'm speaking social distancing: never let another person get so close as to prevent an unimpeded take-off. And then I imagine some overblown cliche telling me that I'm afraid of commitment. Commitment, however, under the mandate of the inversion, is a form of madness. To be committed is to be strait-jacketted if not placed in an institution. And of course, the strait-jacket is simply the false technology, the accessories and dolls, the tools and toys, that you the consumer have been conditioned to buy into. And the institution (the asylum) of course is society, where all the mad people congregate in their newly contaminated forms. So, by all means, beware of commitment, beware of other people who have been institutionalised (the social and sociable), beware of busyness and business, and get away from commitment, get into stillness, get into that vast unconditioned space called Freedom.

I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life... ;)

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