The Bike as Badge

It's only really at times like these that you realize certain truths: man is a monster (by degrees), the child is an (immediate) angel, and the bicycle is a set of wings that you propel (and which propel you) into Freedom (which necessarily returns you to your original angelic and graceful state). When those police vans overtook me yesterday on my bike, I wondered if I would be stopped. But I needn't have. For the bike is a badge that people see whether they want to or not. The bike is an emblem of freedom, and a symbol of the confused animal (under a faulty economy) trying to de-fuse itself (from an aberrant way) and re-fuse that self with the natural order. Cycling thus becomes an admirable act, entirely non-threatening, and a call for not contaminating ourselves, the animals and the land, and 'shitting in our own nest'. Everyone sees this, even the police, and especially children who are not so removed from the cyclist in spirit.

So, the question then becomes: How could you possibly stop a cyclist (this freebird dispensing freedom to all) with a view to reprimanding them and sending them home? Surely, you should be genuflecting?

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