Surfing the Strath

Surfing's the source. Bodhi

Cycling is a form of surfing. My bicycle is my surfboard. In both activities, one must peddle or paddle to attain the freewheel, the soar, and the surf. Where surfers align their selves with the sea, cyclers align their selves with the land. Both are elemental activities (and not just 'outdoor'), the wind and the flow being essential attributes.

Where surfers profess a longing to be one with the ocean, cyclers profess that longing in their union with the land, the land being none other than an ocean of its own at a different spatio-temporal setting. 

Thus, the strath of Clyde where Glasgow and I rest is, to those who can see, whether it be the shamanic cycler or the seafaring surfer, a great ocean of swells (hills) and breaking waves (braes)... to be pedalled and paddled, surfed, cycled, and loved.

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